
Daycare PreschoolVINCI Preschool Program is a careful blend of the world’s best practices including Montessori and Reggio Emilia, connecting with each other and “stirred up” using technology.

“Early Childhood Education is not *just* playing with blocks all day. Preschool teaching is a careful balance between intuition, emotional understanding, and science that when done well looks like effortless art.” – Sarah Kamm, MA Ed. H.D.

trackableIn a VINCI preschool program, teachers rely on findings from the latest neuro-science, deliver lessons to ensure first of all children are emotionally receptive. Using the digital games on an interactive white board at school serves as a concept-introducing conversation starter. Skills are monitored and formatively assessed – such that young children don’t feel pressured but teachers still have a clear understanding of how each child is doing.

daycaresEach child has his/her own tracking system to follow up skill gain as well as to immediately identify hurdles.

The VINCI Preschool program can be found currently at following locations. Please click the link below to go to the respective website for more details. If you like to consider partnering, please visit our licensing page  for more details.

Alexandria, VA

Ottawa, Canada

Shanghai, Beijing, Zhejiang, China